Tell us what you know about the house
- What is the address of the house?
- How old is the house?
- How big is the house? (square footage, how many rooms, etc.)
- Is the house currently occupied?
- Does it have a basement? Crawl space?
- Does it have a garage? If yes, is it an attached garage or detached?
- Are the utilities on? Electric and water?
- Has the seller disclosed any problems/repairs?
- Do you have any knowledge of renovations/updates?
- What are your concerns about the house?
What services would you like?
- Would you like to add a radon measurement?
Even if you don’t have all of the above information, give us a call! We would much rather talk to you directly than explain everything via this website. We work 7 days a week and if we are unable to take your call, we will get right back to you.