A home inspection is a professional, visual assessment of the condition of the house. Our inspection is unbiased, we do not get paid based on how many problems we find or if the house sells. We work only for the client, arming them with information, an expert opinion, and a professional report on the condition of the physical structure and various systems of a house.
In order to prepare the report, we conduct 2 to 3 hour on site inspection of the house. We strongly encourage you to accompany us during the inspection. This will give you a chance to ask questions and become familiar with the systems of the home.
What exactly we inspect is strictly regulated by the state in 266 CMR 6.00. In short, we do a comprehensive inspection that reports on:
- Structure
- Roof and attic
- Foundation
- Exterior
- Interior rooms
- Electrical system
- Plumbing system
- Heating and air conditioning systems
- Kitchen
- Bathrooms
It it also important to read through 266 CMR so you are aware of the scope and limitations of a home inspection performed in Massachusetts.
Once the inspection is complete, we go back to our office and compose the report. We will e-mail the report usually on the same day or early next morning. The morning after the inspection is usually when we mail you the hard copy. If you have (48+ hour) radon testing performed by us, the results will be emailed or sent out the same day that the testing is completed.